Brought into the world with a mission
Clueless at the first instance
Just mere touring at a measly glance
Taking chances at existence
getting by to any end
I’m alive!
That’s what I often say
Happy for the most part
As I’m not counted amongst the dead
But peace doesn’t reign
It should...
I have pledged to be at peace all the time
What about you?
Scared, I used to be about the end
Even though I've taken chances to meet an end
I pace in, out, sides, sometimes up and down
For an end, I must find
I lose myself sometimes
But to what end?
Voices spout words, scream, whisper, sing, some even bicker
Now they often make me wonder
Should I continue to shudder?
What really is the agenda?
What is my purpose?
Why am I here?